Happy 20th Elder Abbott & Elder Abbott

Happy Birthday, Ethan and Jonah! We’re so proud of the fact that you are out serving the Lord! New York and Idaho have been so lucky to have you!

Jonah, you have only a little over a month left! Ethan 2 1/2 months left. How crazy is that? Time has both flown by and gone by super slowly. It’s been wonderful to talk to both of you each week and see your growth. 

Jonah, you’ve grown from someone who didn’t like to talk to people to an Elder who can easily enter in and out of a conversation and also invite anyone anytime to Church!

Ethan, you’ve excelled at teaching and working with other Elders. You’ve been a great example of someone who knows how to work hard and have fun! 

We love you boys! Get ready, Arizona, these boys are coming home! 
