Holy Week

This week has been one of wonder and amazement for me. I usually celebrate the Holy week of Easter by remembering what took place each day of the week. This week has been extra special for me. I'm not sure why- maybe it's because we are studying Easter for Come Follow Me for Church or because I have two missionaries out serving who are sacrificing their time and talents to serving the Lord full time and I know what a sacrifice it is for them. They have taken Jesus's name upon their chest and represent Him full time. Or maybe it's because I have another son who is getting ready to serve just like they are- his mission papers just submitted this Tuesday evening. My life seems embedded and imbued with the thought of Jesus Christ and His Love and Sacrifice for me and for us all.

It might be too, that my social media accounts- mostly Instagram- has been filled with post after post of Jesus Christ. How on Sunday He entered Jerusalem for the last time under waving palm fronds, Monday He overturned the raucous tables in the Temple, Tuesday He taught, Wednesday He did miracles, Thursday He washed the feet of the Apostles, had the Last Supper, Initiated the Sacrament, began suffering for the sins and pains of us all in the Garden of Gethsemane (a place they would frequent often) and was betrayed by Judas, Friday (today) He was hung on the cross from 9 am to 3 pm, suffering pains we could never comprehend and Sunday (Easter Sunday!)- 3 days time according to the reckoning of the Jews- He arose from the Grave and completed His full and compassionate mission. He became our Savior and Redeemer. The Atonement would mean nothing- or His birth- if He had not been resurrected.

I am so thankful for Him, for His sacrifice and His Atonement and that because of Him, I will get to live again with my family one day.
