Day 365

It's hot. I'm tired. But I haven't posted yet today so I am here.

We just got Netflix streaming through our wii. It is awesome. You put in a free disk that you get from with your membership and then you can get movies and tv shows to watch instantly. From your tv. It's like a movie store in your own home. Only without the late fees and that pimply teenager at the front desk. It does make the internet run slow on our home computer though.

So, tonight, while Josh was pulling a late nighter at work, I was paying bills, folding washcloths and laughing at the subtle jokes in Julie and Julia that I have missed before and I knew. I knew what I would blog about for today. A challenge!

The challenge: Write a blog post every day for 365 days.

That's right. Just write something down. It can be funny. It can be dumb. It can be out-of-this-world novel type quality. Either way, it will be written down.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

Day 365, counting down...
