I don't usually blog on Saturday, but I have some time today, so I think I will. Happy May 1st! I was reading a woman's blog (on mormonmommyblogs.blogspot.com)who works on improving a new trait each month. Last month, for April she was working on forgiveness. I like that idea. For this month of May I want to work on Gratitude, the opposite of Pride.
I want to be grateful for what I have. I have a wonderful husband who is relatively healthy and has a well paying job. I have a beautiful daughter who makes me laugh and smile with her notes and cute little anecdotes. I have precious twin boys who each in the own way win my heart over daily. I have a little preschooler who loves to sing songs, play on the slide and ride his scooter. I have a home that we own, something that I have always wanted. I have a degree in Elementary Eduation and can use it to teach if I ever want/need to. I have a loving Mother and Father who constantly care about me and my children. I have wonderful sisters and brothers who are successful and healthy and serving the Lord. I have married into a marvelous family who love me for who I am and have accepted me as their daughter and sister. I could go on and on.
Ok. I will. I have served a mission and have a large pool of memories and skill sets that I have gained that I can draw from whenever I need to. I went to BYU for four years and have friends and classes that I still remember and learn from. I enjoy the color pink, the taste of chocolate and a good laugh. Most of all, I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ and have the chance to get to know them even better each day.
Happy May! This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
Your pink background looks like strawberry ice cream, my favorite as a child, eating at my grandpa's house.
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