Manic Monday

So, I think I have been a little manic lately. It all started when I had to stay home all day on Wednesday with a sick Elizabeth. I read an entire book that day and after that I just had to get out of the house. On Thursday, Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday, I was running around like there was no tomorrow. On Thursday I had a small twenty minutes to myself between the gym and picking up Asher from preschool. I pretty much freaked out. What should I do???? I agonized. Should I go pick up the garlic at Trader Joe's that I've been needing? Should I get a hot chocolate at the McDonalds so very close to me right now? Aaaahhh! Decisions. My brain was racing at ten miles an hour. I had to call my therapist and he told me: "take three breaths and relax." I did that and it helped. He said "What is one thing you want to get done today?" I replied read my scriptures, but I already did that. He advised me to do something for someone and enjoy doing it. I spent the rest of the afternoon with the kids and enjoyed it.

Last night I woke up at 2 am and thought "ahh!!! I'm going manic! I know I am." It's scary because how does one know when they are starting a manic phase? All I know is that I start talking up a storm, making impulsive decisions, waking up at night and feeling full of energy. Should I ride this all out or should I take a course of action?

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Amy said…
Meg--I was just reading an article about mania, and you just mentioned almost all of the symptoms (sleep changes, mind racing, excessive talking). What is your action plan? I am worried about you! Love you!
Rachel said…
has this happened before on your current medications? Sounds like such a pain! sorry you have to deal with this. I call myself "manic: when I get really upset over something and just stress and cry. But I know it's not the same "manic" you have that comes from you having bi-polar.
Mrs Abbott said…
Rach- I'm not on any meds right now, but it hadn't happened on my meds before. Amy- my plan is to keep myself busy and make some phone calls. Thanks!
Joanie said…
I think I am manic most of the mind does race and I literallly have to talk to myself and make myself do one thing at a time.
If I wake up in the middle of the night with energy, I read a book and then get sleepy again. I would like to learn more about how you feel when you are manic. So glad you can call your therapist-that helped. Love you! Mom