Nie Nie Dialogues

Look out world- here comes Stephenie Nielsen! She is my new favorite blogger (although not new herself, since she started blogging in 2005). She is an LDS stay at home Mother with four children who survived a plane crash with her husband in 2008. She had burns on 80 % of her body and her husband had burns on 30% of her body. After several news stories covering the story of her survival her blog readership went from the 100's to 300,000! Just today she offered a free Book of Mormon to anyone reading the blog: i.e. 30,000 people. Isn't that just awesome Missionary Work? I will give anyone who reads my blog a free Book of Mormon too! Leave me a comment and I'll send you one. Oh, and her blog address is:

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Douglas Smith said…
Incredible. I'm speechless. The family is a true inspiration.
Joanie said…
Nie Nie is No No in Polish.
I have not gone to her site yet but I will. The Nie Nie or No No may mean I am NOT going to get discouraged. This woman sounds amazing. Thanks, Megan, for sharing! Love, Mom
Fox and Amy said…
Mom--I think Nie Nie is her nickname, but that is very fitting.

Meg--Did you see when she was on Oprah? Amazing! Thanks!
I can't even imagine! Being involved in a plane crash, but surviving only to find that your life will never be the same!
Scarring all over her body,many internal wounds....yikes!

And while i AM a reader of your blog, i don't need a book of mormon. Being that i am a Christian, our views are just so different.
I can't subscribe to a religion that was founded by a man who was just as sinful as you and i are.

I can't agree with writings founded by a false prophet when the bible warns us of such "false prophets". Jesus also stated that the bible is complete in it's entirety. There is to be no adding to or taking away from.

I can't believe there are multiple gods when the Bible clearly states there is only 1 true God and that Jesus is His son (existing as the trinity), as well as being fully God. (read 1 John 5:6)

I can't believe that the original followers of Jesus were wrong and that a man in the early 1800's suddenly got it right.

Please don't think that i am attacking you personally, though. I am simply in disagreement with the many holes in the mormon religion.

I am saved by a God who personally came down to Earth in human form and died for my sins. I am saved because of His Grace and Mercy on my pathetic life, not because of anything i could EVER do. Jesus saves us from ALL our sins and the bible tells us that.

I will never be "good enough" for heaven. No amount of me paying my tithes, doing good deeds or spreading the gospel will ever "win" me into heaven.

If you are wanting to have a dialogue on the differences of our beliefs, i am always open to it. I would like for it to only be a friendly discussion, though.

Anyway, I hope you are having a good week! :)
Mrs Abbott said…

Thank you for your comments! I love how you said that we are saved from all our sins- I agree! About our religion-
- We believe in God, that we are His spirit children and that all of us are brothers and sisters. Jesus is our brother.
- In 1820 Joseph Smith was confused as to what Church to join. He prayed after reading in James 1:5 and asked in Faith. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him that the true Church was not on the earth at that time.
-He translated the Book of Mormon from gold plates hidden in the ground
-By their fruits ye shall know the truth- 11 million members all across the world, 130 temples- good things.
See for more info!
So, in my original reasoning i was asking:

How can a man 1 thousand 8 hundred years later suddenly get it right? How can all the other believers for those years prior have been wrong?
I wouldn't trust a sinful man just because he stated he was spoken to by God. There are holes in that...

People followed him and trusted in faith, but there was never any evidence he was "right" in any of his speculations/visions.

In Matt. 24:11 & 24:24 Jesus warns us of false prophets rising up and deceiving many. We have to always challenge what we hear, read and learn with original scripture.

How accurate can these gold plates be, when there would be no one around to "dispute" them. The bible is accurate in it's entirety because of the time-span it was all written.

When the books of the bible were written, it was done within 50 years of the actual events happening. That way people were able to accurately remember and also if there WERE any inaccuracies, it would have been found out immediately.

I just have a hard time believing (even in faith~) that Joseph Smith was the "real deal".

Simply praying for God to reveal the truth is not accurate enough. Our hearts and emotions are sinful. The bible says our hearts are deceitful. We cannot simply go off that guided "feeling" alone.

My bible is my guide, my map, my truth and it says nothing about the Lord sending us someone else to help guide us into the "true religion" that we've all missed for hundreds of years before.

I know i can never "convince" you to "change your religion"...nor am i trying to...
I am simply showing you where i come from and why i question the many things your religion teaches.

I checked out and only saw information in which i was already familiar with about your religion.

Now, if you would please check out
(cut and paste the link)

Let me know what you think! :)
Mrs Abbott said…

I checked out the web-site you mentioned- thanks! I didn't know information like that was out there. I'm grateful that you believe in God. I'm thankful that you attend Church. I'm grateful that you are my friend! Megan
You are too sweet, Megan. :-)

It was nice chatting for a short bit yesterday on FB. Too bad my computer shut down, sorry.

Hope you have a great week and a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! (HUGS)