Blood and onions

Yesterday was such a smelly day for me! It started out with me making a crock pot dinner that we would be ready after I got home from Choir Practice yesterday. I had to peel potatoes, chop onions and stir the stew, all before Church. Just when I was trying to look pretty and smell nice. Then, we we got there and were sitting in the pew at Church, Ethan began wrestling with Jonah and bonked his head on the place where the hymn books go. I thought he was fine. As I was holding him, I noticed blood on his hand. What's that, I asked and tried to rub it off with my thumb. Phew! Now I smelled like blood and onions! It turns out he had a gash on the back of his head and I didn't even know.

Then, Jonah threw a tantrum right after the closing prayer and Josh had to carry him out. He was in time out for fifteen minutes. I guess he is having a hard time adjusting to Primary, the new teacher, etc. So, that was our Sunday, and it was only 10 am.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Laura said…
Our sacrament meetings are pretty chaotic right now too. Haddy thinks that handfuls are the way to go with the bread, and yelling during the rest of the meeting is what to's exasperating.