I have a question for everyone. I recently printed out a recipe from a blog that I read: www.thesparrowsnest.typepad.com/the_sparrows_nest/. It looked wonderful, complete with picture of the said recipe (aka popcorn balls, good sized font and lots of fun stuff. I wondered what my blog would look like if I printed it out. I did and it came out bland, boring and with small letters I could barely read. So, I am increasing the font on this blog and hoping it will help my blog look better. I am also considering switching to typepad- her blog service, although it costs $5 a month, where blogspot is free. What do you guys think? I am thinking of printing out my blogs weekly and sending them to my grandparents, since three sets still don't have the internet. C'mon, guys, get with the groove of things! Let me know what you think!
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.