This morning I went to the MVA this morning to register our van and get a new Maryland license. Aunt Ellen- Auntie Em- as her family calls her- graciously watched the kids for me. I was in and out in about two hours and got the van's plates and my new license! Everyone was happy- I think they had a little two much chocolate last night- besides a few disgruntled applicants. Happy Halloween, by the way! Overall, my visit to the MVA- not DMV went very successfully and ended with a "Welcome to Maryland" by a sweet MVA worker. I had never had someone say that to me and felt very welcomed!
The kids went to trunk or treat last night and a good time was had by all. We will be going out again tonight and I hope to post pictures tommorow. In other news, I may be blogging only on Mon, Wed and Fridays (poor crazy picture day Thursday get left out in the cold!) I have been busy with Halloween and my therapy. New issues that I am dealing with seem again too much for a blog. Let me just state a few things I've learned so far:
1. If you are experiencing any tension through your first family it can come out in your family now (ie- My Dad has cancer- which I only really found out for real yesteday- no one used the word "Cancer"- and I have been yelling at my kids more after I found out. Seems simple a rule enough, huh?)
2. Also, I have been using shopping and maybe blogging/ computer time as an unhealthy way of dealing with anxiety. Now I am trying poetry writing and piano playing as healthy ways of expressing my emotions, which sometimes run close to the surface. Here's one I wrote last night in one of my awake at night episodes:
New House
Who will you become?
A little old,
A little tired,
You long to be free,
To be who you are-
I know how you feel.
I really do.
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.