Welcome! Come on it to our new home. It's been interesting posting pictures also, because I generally have to write about what the picture is and this picture doesn't really say much. So, welcome!
Last night I went to our first Joy School meeting. We set up the schedule for September. I'll be teaching here in a week and a half, so hopefully our home will be ready enough for preschoolers! I printed out the two lessons I'll be teaching this morning. They are both fifteen pages long. For Preschoolers? No, it'll be a new experience for me and for the kids. Which is good! They'll be learning about their body in Septermber. Well, I have to go shower and put my contacts in. I can't see anything!
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Anonymous said…
Your house looks great. Post more pictures so we can see what the inside looks like. I hope you continue to enjoy it out there. Tammy Farnsworth Gause
Unknown said…
Hiya - don;t owrry about posting a photo everyday. Just keep on doing what you were doing before and add photos when it seems appropriate (: Have fun!