On helping a bright child

When our son Declan was 4 he taught himself how to read. We should have seen that as a sign that he’s pretty bright. We- or at least I- didn’t at least. Sure we read to him every night but we did that with all our other kids and that hadn’t changed things. 

And so fast forward almost two years later when he was given the gifted test. He scored very well on it and after a year of being bored in traditional  schooling (Covid didn’t help), we are on the hunt for a better and more challenging option.

And being in Arizona we have the option of paid for charter schools. There are schools that offer an hour of homework for 7 year olds (what?) and schools that do separate groups for gifted students or mainstream or varied curriculum. 

I feel kinda over my head with all of this but I hope that Josh and I will be able to sort all this out together. 

And we will.
