Last week, Josh went on a business trip to New York City for a tech Conference. He wanted to take me with him, but since I am not quite eight months pregnant, we decided that that wouldn't be the best idea.
And so he was off- for four days! Not long compared to other's business trips but long enough for us! I was bit worried because I had been so tired that around 4 pm I was done for the day.
I bought a few frozen meals and prepared just to wing it from 4 pm on.
It was a blessing that I was totally fine! I was still tired, but not too badly. I had let Declan pick out the menu for each day of the week since he often complains about dinner (and then ends up eating it all). Lol! He didn't complain once that week and would often say "I know what's for dinner- it's ______." Of course, he picked all things that he likes (he doesn't like Chicken Noodle Soup or even Breakfast for dinner).
While Josh was gone, the toilet overflowed. Ugh! This is actually one of Declan's worst nightmares as it overflowed once when I wasn't home and the big kids made a big deal of it. In fact, Declan watches the toilet water go safely down every time he flushes and he used to not allow me to flush it and only let Josh do it (yuck!).
It was such a blessing that Declan didn't get really upset. He just looked at it and calmly walked away. And I taught everyone how to turn the water valve off so they could do it if I was gone. After quite a few tries of plunging it and not having it work (this was Tuesday and Josh would not be home until Thursday!), I felt that I should text someone from our Church and ask him to come look at it. He said he would. While I was waiting for him to come over, I looked up how to unclog a toilet fast on YouTube and tried their tips and it worked! What a blessing again!
I'm grateful for the small blessings that I can notice in my life from God, when I look back at my day or week or year.
Also, Josh brought me home a box of chocolates from New York City! I had been craving chocolate (as usual!) and this just hit the spot! Another blessing from the Lord!
Little Blessings. Lots of Love felt.