Greatest Job in the World: Mothering!

I’ve had a hard time throughout my life not comparing myself to others. When you grow up with a fraternal twin- someone who is your exact same age- that makes it easy to do. Lately, our financial situation has been pulling me down and I felt not enough. Not worthy enough to own a nice home or a nice car- just not enough. As I was focusing on those problems I began seeing problems pop up everywhere. After some free life coaching, the fog began to lift. I began to see my true value and worth not as a home or car owner but  as a Wife and Mother. I may not be making $1,000,000 a year or own a car that hasn’t broken down in a while. Those things won’t matter 100 years from now. What will matter is how I show up to my husband and kiddos.

I have 5- almost 6- beautiful children and they are the jewels in my crown of life. They are so very precious to me and I feel honored to be their Mother.

This morning Declan woke up early coughing and I climbed into bed with him.
As I rolled over to make room for my growing baby bump he said to me: “Mama?”

“I love you.”

I love you too, buddy!

My life is beautiful. I have a wonderful family and I’m so grateful to be fully aware of it!
