Stay Awhile/Stay Alive

This morning I was trying to kill time between Preschool drop off and my Zumba class. I stopped into At Home- a home decorating store- and was overwhelmed at the amount of stuff in that store. It was amazing! I only had twenty minutes so I went straight to the framed artwork- my favorite. 

As I was perusing colorful cows (love them!) and cute sayings ("I may be tiny, but I am fierce!"), I started feeling that same strange/kinda dark/sorta overwhelming feeling that I get in big box stores. The florescent lighting, the large space and often the large amounts of people there, tend to suck up my energy. 

In the midst of my doom and gloom feeling, I saw a sign that said "Stay Alive". That's nice! I thought. I need that. I need a sign that reminds me to just stay alive. Keep Breathing. Put one foot in front of the other and keep going.

On further inspection the art print actually read "Stay Awhile."


Not the same.

But that's okay.

It was a good reminder to me.  

To Keep Going.

I got this!

You got this!


Joanie said… needed to read "stay alive" probably...but "stay awake" means the same were awake and alive to your feelings. I often feel like that in huge stores and crowds....