How to Score Big at a Yard Sale

For those of you who don't know me, I love to go to yard sales. I don't do it often because I don't usually carry cash and I don't like to have a lot of junk in my house. But, every so often I get a hankering to check out some yard sales. 

These are 5 things that I've learned from Yard Saling:

#1. Go early. Anywhere between 6:30 am and 7:30 am. By the time 8 am rolls around the yard sales will still be there, but most of the good stuff will be taken by yard sale hunters- people who leave early and grab it at a great price. Often people will buy things, fill up a big truck and drive it to Mexico to sell (if you live in CA or AZ).

#2. If you see something you are even mildly interested in, pick it up and find out how much it is. That way no one else can grab it and you end up feeling like you missed out. That happened to me this past weekend on a set of great wooden African masks (my son really likes them).

#3. Bring a set amount of cash. That way you won't overspend and come home with a stuffed giraffe that your husband says no to. ;)

#4. Talk to the people. Find out why they are having a yard sale. (If you feel like talking to people you've never met before. I like to sometimes). If they are moving, they will often have big furniture they need to part with but aren't ready to sell yet like beds and couches. 

#5. Take one or several of your kids with you. It's a good one on one date and you can see what things they are really into. My son came with me to an amazing, inside yard sale last Saturday and I didn't realize that he liked model airplanes. You never know!

You can really find some really good deals at Yard Sales, especially if you go to nicer neighborhoods. This past Saturday I scored a large, in good shape ficus fake tree for $2. I was shocked at the price and almost ran out of there before she could change her mind.

Good luck yard sale hunting!


Joanie said…
Great tips, Meg!!! Good deal on the fake ficus! You can put twinkle lights on it all adds to the decor of your home...I have had one for 25 years in the corner of the living room.