On Depression

**Disclaimer- I am really okay but felt like writing a post on this.

I'm not sure how to describe depression. It feels as though there is no hope. That things have always been tough and that they always will be. Small chores seem overwhelmingly difficult. Irrational thoughts like no really likes me, or I am not a very good Parent try to take over any rational thoughts. Decisions that you made when you were not depressed are things that you don't want to do anymore. It's not that you don't want them anymore, it just seems  as though it isn't possible to get it done. Things you used to enjoy are difficult to enjoy.

Things that help depression:
-Doing those things you enjoy even though you don't feel like doing them.
-Prayer. Lots of it.
-Reading past journals and remembering how Heavenly Father helped you in the past and will help you again.
-Physical exercise, eating healthy, getting out and doing things (even if you don't feel like it), being social.
-Counseling and medicine as needed.
-A great support system.

Things that don't help depression:
-Saying maybe you aren't really depressed.
-Saying "just pull yourself out of it." It's not so easy.
-Not doing anything at all.
-Not reaching out for help.

Depression is tough but there are tools and ways to make it better. Even if it's just a little bit and if it's a step at a time, one day at at a time. Things will get better, I know they will.


Amy said…
I always know something is going on when you are not blogging as much! Also, what is true depression and what are side effects from medication? You have such trials but remain strong even when times are tough and you are not feeling so happy--I love you so much and know that things are going to keep getting better and better!