I wonder...

I wonder if I could blog every. single. morning. Declan now likes to watch a few episodes of Elmo's World in his pajamas right after we drop the boys off at school. Elizabeth walks to the Middle School (7,8,9th) bus stop (her bus has crazy kids on it she tells me) about 10 minutes before. We say family prayers right before she goes. She usually has no shoes on during the prayer nd is trying to get out the door, but we don't like to start the day without it. Declan will sometimes told his arms and say "amen!"

This morning the boy's coats were still wet and muddy from going sledding yesterday. They came home from school, got bundled up and went right outside for a snowball fight. It didn't end in tears- which is rare- and when that got old, they grabbed their 2 sleds (maybe I need another one since there are 3 actually 4 big kids) and went sledding at the nearby park that has awesome hills! No one got hurt and it was a fun afternoon for all! Asher said "this was the best day!" or something like that. This morning Ethan was rushing to finish a paper on the computer- the result of all the snow play.

I went to a Church Service Auction after dinner and won a Peppermint body scrub and a pan of warm brownies. A good day overall. It's so good to have one of those! ❤️ #snowday #reliefsociety #boys #bestdayquote
