On Wanting More Children...

pic via internet

Declan is 10 months old! Crazy how time flies by! When he was just a newborn, the time seemed to go by so slowly. There was lots and lots of feedings and lots and lots of changings. Now, Declan gets by on 4 bottles a day and that many diaper changes as well- or more if need be! Now I am chasing after a busy bee crawling boy. I often let him crawl on his own, happy to explore, but he always finds his way back to me- pulling up on my legs and hugging them tight. He's such a cutie!

And so, I would say, here comes that feeling- of wanting another one. Except that I had that a while ago. Now, I know this is crazy early and my baby is still a baby. 

I know.

I'm just sayin'.

***Any baby names that you like? We still have some that are our favorites. I dreamt last night that we had triplets and their names were Faith, Hope and James. We were sitting on a big bed in the middle of a black forest. I asked Josh- can help me feed these guys?  It was kind of weird and kind of cool. Pretty cool actually. I love baby dreams.

 Happy Friday!


Kelsy said…
You never know when another one will come along. :). Neat dream, too.