Our Stake 142 Day Family History Challenge

This past month, our Stake (our local Church group comprised of several smaller groups or wards) challenged us as families to do something concerning Family History Work every day for 142 days! I am so impressed with our Stake for putting this out there and we've been excited to learn more about our ancestors!

Some of the things we have done are:

-Tell stories about Josh's Grandparents at the dinner table.
-Tell stories about us growing up.
-Watched a video from Neil L. Anderson's talk on Finding Our Cousins about doing Family Search as a family.
-Worked on the website www.puzzilla.org
-Looked at our ancestors on familysearch.org
-Made an account with ancestry.com (free for all LDS familysearch users!)

Some of the things we want to do:

-Video tape Grandma or Grandpa Hulihan (and any other Grandparents) and download the videos onto Ancestry.com.

-Add pictures or stories online on familysearch.

-Find out more stories of our ancestors and write them down to add to our family history binders (right now it's mostly names and dates and a few pictures).

-Find the story of the sea side adventures of the Boyack's- my Dad's ancestors who came from Liverpool to Salt Lake and then on to Spanish Fork.

-Index more often!

I am so excited to really get involved with family history! I think that with this new technology, where so many documents can be found online, the work is going to take off at a fast pace. Where once it was the older people doing family history, now the Youth can help so much more since they are so tech savvy! It's great to live at a time like this and to raise our children in this generation!

***Happy Late Birthday, David!! We love you!!!***
