A Pregnancy Woe...or Two

It's that time again. The time of restless anticipation until the baby is born, when you can count the weeks you have left on less than both of your hands. The time where your belly is big and it's hard to sleep. The time when your clothes fit tight and you don't know how you are going to make it another few more months. 

The time when, if you don't get enough calories during the day, you wake up hungry from dreams of visits to an ice cream parlor and getting a cake and 3 scoops of ice cream to go. The time your children love as you are often found in the kitchen baking something yummy.

This is a time that is new for me too. After two miscarriages, lots of foster care work and 6 year of waiting, it kind of seems like this baby will not arrive. His very, very strong kicks and hiccups tell me that he is very much alive and doing well. My Dr. told me months ago that there is less than 1% of losing this baby. 

But, my heart wavers.

Will we really be bringing this baby home?
Will him come home, dressed in one of our cute, new little outfits, safe and snug?
Will he make it here okay?
What if there is something wrong- like a heart defect, a un-diagnosed issue?

But, I know it will be okay. I know that sometime (hopefully) in the middle of April, this baby will be ready to come and we will carry him home into the delighted and waiting arms of our older children. 

Until then, I will wait with patience.

And eat yummy food. 

(Baby Hungry Much?: Newborns on Pinterest)


Joanie said…
Your thoughts are normal..your baby will be as healthy and as fine as the others...Enjoy this time of extra eating! I heard the 8th month is so important for brain growth so eat some good salmon and other great brain foods..almonds or almond butter is great for brains, too. Go on some dates, too...because once baby comes, it will be a while. Enjoy all those hiccups and kicks!!! Rest enough! We love you and are so happy for you and us...we are all waiting with you!!!