Aaron and Sophie
Latest Update:
Gilbert Temple Open House:
Josh's brother Aaron and his daughter Sophie are visiting! When their kids get to the 5th grade (or so) they study the States in school and they get to pick a state to visit (their Dad travels a lot and gets frequent flier miles). Hannah went to Missouri (Maggie chose?) and Sophie chose Arizona! My kids were so surprised- they said that they would have chosen Hawaii. I assured them that she had gone there already.
They had a few fun things planned to see and do (the State Capital Building, Botanical Gardens, etc)
Oh, and go to the Gilbert Temple Open House!
Our family's reservations are for February 12th (they went really fast and that was the date we got!) . Josh couldn't go with them because of a meeting, so I went along!
It is GORGEOUS! Seriously, if you live 6 hours or less from here (Mom, Dad!) and want to see one of the most beautiful places, come! Or come when you visit!
There were a lot of people in our group and so we mostly walked straight through. My favorite part was the 15ft + chandelier in the Celestial Room. I like things that sparkle and this was...MAGNIFICENT! I could just sit down and stay for a while. Luckily I can do that when it opens in March! With waiting for two years since we moved here, it was so great to see it completed and done! Our kids will love it!
Lovely weather. Lovely company. Lovely!
My Ankle:
About 10 days ago, I was reading a pamphlet while leaving the library and missed the curb, fell and sprained my ankle. Good thing I didn't land on my belly! I have never had a sprained ankle before (sinus infection, sprained ankle are new this pregnancy) and didn't realize how much we take advantage of our ability to walk! I made it to the car and the next day- Saturday- Josh bought me some crutches and swirly chair from D.I. I was out of commission for about 6 days and a hot mess on day 6. I had to cancel a fun Friday night dinner, choir practice, 2 days of subbing and stay at home for the most of the time. I have a new appreciation for people who have been on bed rest/broken limbs/etc.
It's better now. I can now walk without crutches, although after 4 hours of Church, taking the kids on an outing and later a day subbing, my ankle decided to swell up and bother me again. It's better. It's better (I keep telling myself)! I have such a hard time taking things slow. Hopefully it can heal. I have a fear of having ankle problems from now on.
Has 3 big conferences coming up! All before April and is super busy with that. It's good timing since I'm not sick all day with morning sickness, but it keeps us on our toes!
at 28 weeks along
Baby Bean:
I've made it to the Third Trimester! Hooray! (28 weeks). All is well. Baby Boy Bean still growing well and gaining weight. We've decided to wait until we see what he looks like to name him (although we have a few top runners). I've been craving weird things like chocolate cake and salt and vinegar potato chips. On the same day. I usually just need one bite and I'm satisfied, but then I need to finish what I've started! I am sleeping pretty well, but often have to get up and eat something! He loves to move and groove!