Baby Name Woes

Maximilliano? Declan? Antony?

I am thrilled to be on the hunt for a baby boy name but for the life of us, we cannot settle on just one name.

We are at a loss for a good, strong, meaningful baby boy name.

Let me emphasize WE- I have quite a few that I really like (Brigham, Ephraim, Bennett, James) and would use in a heartbeat. Josh, on the other hand, hasn't been able to persuaded in any direction. 

And this is a team process. Me and Him. 

With Elizabeth, we went through just a handful of names, and when I said "Elizabeth"- my Grandmother's name- we both agreed and felt that it was to be HER name. In fact, when we found out it was a girl, we called people and told them "We are having an Elizabeth!" It has been a perfect name for her (Elizabeth Renee- Renee after her Grandmother on Josh's side) and fits her perfectly (don't all babies names fit that perfectly after awhile? Well, most of them!)

Ethan and Jonah were going to be 'Nathaniel' if the baby was a He. Nathaniel wasn't a good twin name and we had Ethan and Jonah picked out within the next week or two.

Asher is a different story. His first name is actually Joseph and he was to be Joseph Thomas. Josh was studying for the bar when we brought baby Asher home from the hospital and could not seem to call him Joseph- Jonah yes, Joseph no. When I finally called the very blonde baby Josh, Jonah and then Joseph! we knew it was time to change his name. After an evening spent on the Social Security Website with Josh reading names he liked and me agreeing or disagreeing holding this new little one in my arms- we found Asher: meaning Happy. It was perfect and has been ever since- even though his first name stayed Joseph. 

I think it's the fear of having to rename a baby that's keeping us from naming this one. Or maybe it's the 40 boys cousins we have. Or maybe it's the long break we've had that's gotten us rusty.

And so, we may end up in the hospital, with our list written carefully on folded printing paper, going over names.

Maybe this boy will be born with a full head of hair and we can name him-

Steele? (love)

Wish us luck!


Amy said…
First off, I think we are going to use Bennett--so you can cross that off your list! :) Secondly, why the heck are men so extremely picky about boys names? Get Josh to spend some time on Nimbler or Baby Name Wizard and then come up with a list on his free time, and then see if there is anything that you like. If you want to keep with your Es and Js, what about Eli, Ezra, Elijah? I like Roman, Milo, Lincoln, and Gideon. Too bad you have to consider your husband's opinion! Haha. Or go through Family Search or just ask your kids! Who knows? I don't know--It's hard!
Hilary said…
I agree - it's so hard, and it gets harder each time! Write down all the ones you like and play baby name bingo.