Tips on Scripture Study

Jonah, the sleeping Pirate

I am not a scriptorian, nor do I profess to be (although I would love to be one!). I often check with Josh while I tell the kids stories from the scriptures, to make sure I am correct. The people and places often seem to meld together. Lately, though, I have tried to implement some tips on scripture study as suggested by some of our Church Leaders.

One: After recently finishing the Book of Mormon, instead of flipping to the beginning and starting over again, I picked up a brand new, clean copy (straight off my book shelf- waiting to be given away some day), a red pencil, a topic (hope) and started to read it- highlighting each moment that showed Hope or the lack thereof, as well as other favorite passages. 

This has brought the scriptures to a new and different level for me. Verses have taken off different meaning to me than they ever did before. I see a direct association between the book's teachings and my life. It's been amazing. I have worked on having a feeling of "That was a good, satisfying scripture study" at the end of each session, instead of "Okay. Phew. I'm done for today. Check that off my list."

Two: A study journal. My scripture study journal is a cheap, mini, thick spiral notebook that I picked up at CVS one day. I try to jot notes in it each day of what  I have learned that day and what I find interesting. It really helps me pay attention and I especially like going back and reading what I wrote before. Sometimes I completely shocked about what I wrote and then I realize that it must have been written by the influence of the Holy Ghost, because it did not come from me!

Three: Supplements. General Conference was about 3 weeks ago and I have been trying to read over the talks- one every few days. It's amazing what things I missed in a talk, even though I watched the whole thing. I love hearing the words of our Prophets today- they are so pertinent and uplifting. I hope to buy 5 copies of the Ensign that has all the talks and give them to each of our children and to Josh. My hope is that they will cherish the words more if they have their own copy. And then, we can do Family Home Evenings from them too.

Our Scriptures are wonderful! May we enjoy them and feast on them!

***Life Update: First week of my long term subbing job as an aide is done. It's been hard work being gone from home from 7:30 am to 3 pm. I don't know how those teachers do it- often staying until 6 or 7 pm to get their lessons done and papers graded.

I've had to miss going on a field trip for both Ethan and Jonah, but I do get to see them at school each day as I have lunch duty. Oh, I also have 3 recess duties a day, along with lunch duty. It tends to give me a headache, but that's okay!

Baby is still growing fine. I had been craving a hamburger for two weeks now and finally broke down and made some for dinner tonight. Heavenly!

Kids are all doing well. Parent Teacher Conferences came and went and as usual, we love to hear good reports (especially since last years was rough with the boys' pending ADD diagnosis). Life is good!
