I am back on the topic of foster care, as it has been looming large in my life right now. The past couple of years, with all of my children in school, have been ones of relative rest for me. Yes, we have had hard times, but they have not been the continual day to day trying times that parenting very young children can bring.
I am about to return to that stage of parenting and am hopeful and excited. It can't come soon enough. Until it does though, I am going to try and relish the days that I have now- quiet at home. I am not going to take as many sub jobs. I am going to re-read the talks from General Conference, read some blogs on Mothering and spend some time reflecting on my past Mothering experiences, how I got here and where I am going.
Just like a pregnant Mother does not know when her child will arrive, we have no idea when this child will arrive. We are powerless, for the most part, to rush these arrivals. And we wait. And we learn. We learn patience, submissiveness, kindness and we draw closer to God. Our lives are in His hands.
Mother's Day is coming up- maybe that will be the day! We will wait and pray and hope!
---On a side note, each child placed in foster care has had a rough life, whether they be 2 days old or 16 years old. If you feel inclined to buy something- whether it be a small blanket, a small book or a toy, I will send those items along with them when they return to their families.