Light coming thru the Darkness
Last Thursday I made a call to our foster care/adoption case worker. It was the call I had been thinking about and dreaming about the past 5 1/2 months. And boy, was I nervous! As I expected, I got his voice mail. Half relieved, half disappointed, I left him a message- giving him both of my contact numbers. I didn't expect him to return my call quickly as the next day was Friday and they weren't in the office (huh?).
But, call he did. And I missed it. He said that he would call again on Tuesday. I waited until 2:30 pm on Tuesday (they close at 4 pm) and gave him a call. He said that he would need to talk to the Director and see if there was anything extra she needed with the papers for the Dr. and then call me back. On Thursday. Because he was working on some recertifications and such. I said that I would call too to follow up. Maybe I was being a bit intense? Who knows?
1 pm comes around on Thursday. I am subbing, the kids are out of the classroom and my phone is dying. I give him a call. He just got back from lunch, so he is in (note to self). He says that he has not gotten to our file at all, that he has been super busy (Arizona is super loaded with foster care cases, (thus the availability of newborns) and that it will probably be until Monday or Tuesday until he even gets to us.
If it takes until next Thursday until he gets to us, it will have taken 2 weeks for our caseworker to have opened our file. And leaves me to wonder:
-How long will this process really take?
-Once we are certified and get a child, will we get the help that we need?
-Why the heck does Arizona not have enough money to hire more case workers?
A quote that I read a little while later on someone's foster care blog really struck home to me and calmed me down: " It’s so easy to get frustrated with “the system,” but equally as easy to parent and love these kids."
I hope so!