My Word for the Year:


Not slow or simply slow down. Slower.

I want to take my time in doing things.

I want to enjoy life, not rushing here and there, to or fro.

I want to love and be loved.

I want to relish the small moments of:

  -playing legos with Asher.
  -tucking Elizabeth in at night.
  -reading out loud to the twins.
  -Baking something sweet in the kitchen.
  -A walk to the park
  -A talk with Josh.
  -Even a shopping trip.

I tend to do the opposite: rushing from here to there, one store to the next to get the best deal, hurrying through the next Chapter to get to a rest time.

Not anymore. No more rushing, hurrying, trying to fill all my days with busyness.

If my body/mind/Spirit tells me no, I will listen.

I will take only the sub jobs that won't hinder my relationships with my children.

I will simplify my shopping and only go to the places I need to.

And I will take the time to be with my children and hubby mentally/emotionally/physically .



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