Foster/Adoption Blogs

For the past 12 months since we have seriously considering doing foster care, I have not read any foster care blogs. At all. This is strange for me, since I love blogging and I enjoy a good blog or two. Late Sunday evening, I googled foster care/adoption and found a blog post with quite a few links to some foster care blogs. Some are pretty good. Some are not so good and some don't even exist at all. Here's a few that I found (o.k. this is a fave of mine and I've been following it for since we lived in Maryland. Adoption. Open Adoption. Failed Placement. A momma who has 3 adopted boys, all with Open Adoptions- she talks to their Moms often). (a Mom who lives in Hawaii and has a few children of her own, one adopted and one foster child. Pretty good pics!) (a Mom who has dealt with a lot of infertilitiy and has one adopted girl through fostering and adopting) Her presonal blog is:

Also, her link to many foster care blogs:

One that I read was pretty scary and negative, so I haven't decided if I am going to read a lot about it, or just go into with what they taught us in our classes. I think I'll do a little of both!
