Sacred Ground

                                            Elizabeth and Mrs. Bretzke's 4th Grade Field Trip to the Arizona State Capitol

You'll have to excuse me, but I am going to tread on sacred ground for a little bit. It's so fun and easy to write about our little ones but I'm not sure why it's not as easy to write about them as they get older. One of these reasons could be that they now can read what we write and not be happy with what's written- out there for the world to see. Another is that while things are a lot easier in the sense that we no longer have to dress them, bathe them or even entertain them, we, as Parents, have the role of teacher, comforter, guidance counselor, etc.

And with some trepidation, I write about my 10 year old daughter. She is a sweet girl. She is fun and happy, funny and smart. She strives for perfection in all that she does and this has made some things difficult for her. Including school projects. In the past I have passed the buck over to my husband, knowing that he has a special way with her and a little bit more patience with her at the end of the day. When I realized that this was getting to be a little too much for him (always doing the projects), I knew I needed to step up. The most recent project was a 2-5 minute video presentation on the Carlsbad Caverns. She got to choose what type of presentation she did and this is what she chose.

I worked with her slowly and in baby steps to help everything go smoothly. From rough draft to cue cards, we worked a little each day (sometimes with a few hurdles) until we were ready for the filming. Let me tell you, trying to do it at 8 o'clock with a tired, over stimulated 10 year old may have not been the best idea.

After all was said and done, I tucked my beautiful, talented, smart, sophisticated 10 year old daughter into bed and she said to me: "Thank you for working so hard on this with me. You are the best Mom!"

Thank you, Elizabeth, for filling my Mommy cup to overflowing. I have the Best Daughter!


Unknown said…
You will have to post a copy of the video presentation for us to see (if she allows it). Love that girl!