Oh, Mitt!
Oh, Mitt
I'm sorry
You lost.
We voted for you!
But most of all
I'm sorry
You lost.
I woke up at 4:45 am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep until 20 minutes before my alarm was to go off. I woke up and hurried to give the kiddos a protein breakfast and heard the cereal hitting the bowls. I walked the dog and walked to the school. The teacher didn't know I was coming to help today. I filed some papers. Then discussed Ethan's homework from last week he still is trying to finish. Oh, and Romney lost. I went home and babysat (a bright star in my day) and took a practice lsat test 3 hours too long. My results were not the best. Ok. They were pretty bad. Especially when you have a champion test taker as a husband to compare yourself to! Today is a McDonald's Ice Cream day today!
It's been a terrible, no good day, but I think it can get better. Just look at this face!