to tell your hubby that you are expecting?
I have a black onyx statue of a Mother and a Baby. I got this at Christmas time the first year I was married. We were married in August of that year and we weren't even trying for a baby. Ok. So maybe we were, but we hadn't told anyone, let alone our Parents.
I opened the gift from my Mother and what was it? A Mother and Baby statue. I was touched. It was a little bold, but sweet in thought.
Twelve days later we found out that we were expecting our first little one, due in September. Maybe my Mother knew what she was doing.
Now we use the statue as a sign that I am expecting. The statue has appeared on the coffee table (Elizabeth), in a diaper bag (Ethan and Jonah), in an e-mail (Joseph Asher), in the front foyer (our Angel Rose) and as Josh's desktop background (another sweet angel). Where will it show up next?
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
***I know that I have posted about this before, but it's been awhile, so I'm re-posting it!
***No, this is not an announcement!