On Baby Hunger

flashback- June 2006, pregnant with Asher

In past posts I have written fragments here and there, there and here, about the baby hunger pains I have felt for the past 4 years. Ever since Asher started sleeping through the night, I've wanted another baby. They are beautiful. They are sweet, soft, tender, gentle and they smell so Heavenly. There is a peace about them that just exudes a Heaven sent scent.

And as we embark on this foster to adopt journey, it will be different. It won't be the same getting pregnant, feeling sick, going to the Dr. every month or twice a month, feeling huge and hot, going to the Hospital and giving birth. Instead someone else will have done that very same thing and I will be asked to be that child's Mother for a short time, and Josh his Father. It's sacred ground. And I want to tread on it lightly. I've never been on this path before, but Heavenly Father knows where we are going.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
