My Favorite Non-Candy?

So, you a
know how I'm trying to eat healthy? Well... The other day I was running errands and I happened to stop into K-mart (which I don't do very often, and my experience confirmed why) to see if they had any good t-shirts for Ethan and Jonah. I have to buy them in Red and Blue and that often limits my options at other stores. While I was checking out (I found one red pair of pajamas and one t-shirt with equally blue and red stripes which neither Jonah or Ethan will wear) I spotted a bag of circus peanuts. Now, I am supposed to be eating very little sugar and a big bag of completely pure sugar, plus a strange orange dye, is NOT in my diet. But, somehow, my arm just reached out and grabbed it and bought it!!! I got home and put them away and hoped to not remember that I bought them. Then, one lazy Wednesday afternoon the kids were home from school early, we had just eaten some air-popped popcorn with a little bit of butter and some sea salt and watched Tin Tin (pretty good!) and I was craving something sweet! I should have made a strawberry smoothie. Instead, I remembered the Circus Peanuts hiding in my dresser and said to the kids "Who wants a circus peanut?" Of course the response was, Me! Me! (I have had the same response with snap peas, broccoli and smoothies). I ate one (or two) and not having had very much sugar, they were kinda gross. Squishy. Weird. Not the best. What most people feel about these weird candies. (As an aside- I have used these candies as a comfort object ever since I was little and chose a pack of similar Easter Bunnies and fell in love.) My roommates would cringe at the smell of a bag of them but would later buy me them- knowing my cravings for them. My Mom would send them across the seas to Spain on my mission. Love! So, I decided I had finally overcome my love for these orange banana tasting treats. Not so. I just tried one right now. Again. And fell in love. All over again.
