Gratitude Tuesday

The quote of the top of my blog (did you notice my new header? I made it while I was sick in bed last weekend!) reminded me today that I need to be grateful. After spending almost a whole week being sick (the stomach flu followed by a rough cold) gratitude is something I need a prescription for!

I'm grateful for:

-A soft bed to lay in, with clean sheets just washed the day before.

-Hot, steamy showers, a humidifier and saline solution. Oh, and Tylenol.

-A Nurse who commiserated with my plight of having a cold plus 4 grade school children and wrote a note for me to "take a break from activities" this weekend. It's been hard, but doable.

-The fact that we do NOT own a guinea pig (Elizabeth took her class Guinea Pig "Coco-Puff" home this weekend. It's cuteness did not outweigh it's smell, it's poop all over the cage or the fact that Sadie has been wanting to eat her ever since she entered the door.)

-President Monson's thick Biography to read while sick in bed, causing me to dream of this sweet, tender President of our Church.

-Smoothies, Steel Cut Oats with fruit, ice cream brought over by a friend and Gingerale: all so yummy for my sore throat.

-Missing my kids after not seeing them most of the morning.

-Bob the Betta and watching him swim from my bed.

-Good shows to watch on BYUtv: 2 Brothers Project.

-A good husband who takes good care of the kids!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
