Easter Recap

Jonah, at a neighbor/ward egg hunt

Asher, Easter Morning

Elizabeth, in her new dress




All 4 kids before we head off to Church!

We had a great Easter! The weather was great, the kids were thrilled to "eat candy out of eggs" and I was simply happy to see them so happy. What a great celebration of Christ's Resurrection!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Unknown said…
Great photos and cute matching outfits! love it!
Dave said…
All your boys are missing their right tooth. Strange coincidence!?
Mrs Abbott said…
Dave, I noticed that too, pretty funny huh? Jonah recently lost his top one and Ethan has had his missing for 4 months now. Asher's been gone since he was 3! I'll have to take another one for fun!
Hilary said…
i love their easter clothes with the matching teal - too cute!
Joanie said…
I want to cry..they are so beautiful..your children..our grandchildren...sigh!
Sarah said…
Wow, they are growing so fast. Very cute and I love the matching teal.