A day of Substituting

Last night, at the dinner table, Josh commented "I'm glad you had a good day subbing today." I just looked at him. "You DID, right? You said that you did during lunch time!" "You didn't see what happened AFTER lunch." I replied.

This is what happened. After lunch, I sat down to read aloud to this 3rd grade class. I expected all to go smoothly. The book turned to be some kind of a cheap, spooky mystery book (is this what 3rd graders like now?). It was torture to read. It was about a girl who was kidnapped and another girl who was being chased by the kidnapper (seriously!). I started reading ahead while I read aloud (pretty talented, right?) but then I started skipping words. I read "And then the girl took the cactus piece and jabbed it into his eye." The whole class said "Aaaaaaah!!" "I mean, she jabbed it BELOW his eye. Sorry! BELOW his eye." Someone asked what just happened. The girl explained- "She jabbed it in his eye!" "Below his eye!" I corrected.

I kept reading. I was already a little flustered. "He tried to take it out but it kept going further in." Again the class erupted in "Ohhh!!!" "BELOW his eye" I repeated. Ugh. It was the worse book ever. Then for Math, we were supposed to do a worksheet on the Smart Board (like an overhead) together but the teacher had already written all of the answers on it. I tried to cover the answers up but some of the kids saw them, memorized them and would shout them out as we went along. Ugh.

Next, was free time and they each had an egg on thick paper to color. They were thrilled and I thought it would be simple. One came up to borrow a pink sharpie from the jar and I let her. Then, slowly, one by one, they came up wanting different colored sharpies and different highlighters as well. Someone said that the teacher doesn't let anyone use her Sharpies since they can stain the desks. I told everyone to turn them all in and they all had to get up and bring them to me. Ugh.

Did I mention this teacher had been throwing up all night? One good thing is that everyone was very glad to have me there. The one rough thing was she had no sub plans written and another teacher had to write them for her. And she had no sub folder for emergencies! I didn't know who had special needs, who could help, etc (most teachers have an emergency sub folder).

Then, the teacher had told them they would have a surprise that day. They kept asking what it was and I did not know. I asked another teacher at lunch and she said some Moms were going to do a Scavenger hunt. About 20 minutes before they were to go to Specials and then have the Hunt, I told them. "Aaaahhh!" They yelled. "You weren't supposed to tell us!" Ugh.

Then I got lost trying to leave since the secretary didn't give me a map of the school. I opened several wrong doors. Finally, I made it out. Did I mention that I also had a child with ADHD who had forgotten to take his medicine at lunch and before he left for Specials, he began punching many, many holes into his Easter Egg. Little white circles of paper were flying all over! Ugh!

Needless to say, I don't think I'll be getting a phone call to return to that class and I don't think I would want to.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Joanie said…
Ha Ha...probably the worst sub story I ever heard! Congratulations!
You win the prize for enduring the most frustrating day as a sub ever!
That is highly unusual that the sub had no emergency folder/plans. Oh, yes..the permanent markers...they are always contraband! Now you know. I am sure the kids enjoyed your wonderful personality and spirit, though.