Craft Time!

My Boys- and sometimes Elizabeth- love to make crafts. This is a picture of something Ethan thought of all on his own. He took brown paper bags and put them together to form a guy. So fun! I often find him combing the cupboards.

The other day I asked him "What's so interesting in those cupboards?" He said "Oh, I usually find something that inspires me." He'll often find little treats I hide in there as well. I no longer hide them in his reach!

They've made figures out of toothpicks and fruit snacks when no gum drops were to be found. On Saturday Ethan made a snake out of a metal hanger, newspaper and paper mache with only me helping him make the paper mache.

My kids are crafty! What can I say?

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

ps- We just got a wireless, color printer, scanner and copier. I am in Heaven!!

pps- 4 whole days until Easter!


Unknown said…
That is awesome - what a creative boy Ethan is!!