Clean Living

Yesterday I was in a funk. I was over-tired, over-whelmed and just plain exhausted. The busy Easter weekend, combined with a birthday, had worn me out. I sent a few kids out to ride bikes and a few upstairs to watch a show (Asher's bike has a flat tire) and I laid down to rest. I picked up Martha Stewart's latest Living that had just arrived in the mail and read/skimmed through the whole thing.

At the very end was an article on toxins and healthy eating. I learned that some toxins- like those that are in the paper of microwave popcorn- can effect your reproductive system. That was it. Me feeling lousy- probably from eating too much junk the day before- and some kind of stomach bug and this article combined to get me to change.

I am going to start eating healthier. I am going to eat more fruits and veggies, more organic, natural, home grown food. I am going to do less sugar, less dyes, toxins and more food as God intended. This will not only bless me, but my family as well. Especially with Elizabeth's issues with attention and depression. And Josh's rheumatoid arthritis. I am going to do all I can to to learn more about this, to eat healthy and to exercise daily. Hopefully the results will be a healthier, happier me, a healthy family and a healthy baby in 2013!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

--note: We are still doing the foster/adoption classes and it's been a great learning experience so far. We would like to welcome another child in any way that we can!


Laura said…
I have a friend that tried and tried to have another baby after her first but couldn't until she went on a macrobiotic diet, very strict, and she was able to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. It was very extreme, but the point is, I think, that all the chemicals and things really do affect our bodies, including our reproductive systems that require such a delicate balance of factors to work properly anyway. Good luck, I know you can do it, start slow and choose a few foods to go more healthy on, and when you get those to be second nature, add more. That's how I've done it!