Foster/Adoption Classes

We're taking foster/adoption classes through Arizona Adoption and Foster Care and I'm so excited! They start April 2nd, are 3 hours each and last for 11 weeks. My friend who teaches Elizabeth piano has graciously accepted to watch our kids while we go since they are on Monday nights and I feel bad asking anyone from the ward. She doesn't have any kids and her husband is a med student so it works out well!

I am excited, thrilled, hopeful, happy, somewhat nervous, worried and overwhelmed. We have a lot to do still and still need to fill out tons of paperwork, get personal references, and prep our house to pass a safety inspection. The safety inspection can be done later though.

This is to do foster care/adopt through the State. Basically it is taking care of the kids that CPS takes away from their Parents. Their main goal is to reunite the children with their Parents. If adoption becomes an option that is just extra. We plan on taking kids younger than Asher- so age 4 or 5 and below- (and yes, we're willing to take babies too!) I would love to take more than one, but our car only fits so many. Once certified- which won't be until around September-,we could get a call at anytime day or night when there is someone who needs a temporary home. We'll be doing the foster care program and that program has a higher chance of adoption, as they often ask the Foster Parents first if they would like to adopt the child.

Adoption and Foster Care is a new, different world to us. My Aunt adopted 2 children into her home about 12 years ago, but other than that we don't have a lot of adoption/foster care experience in our families. It will be a new and different journey, but one we are happily embarking on! Any and all support would mean the world to us! Arizona really needs people who are willing to take care of children who need it and we have a spot in our home and hearts for at least one of those! Wish us luck!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Anonymous said…
Love this! It's something I've always been interested in having had some close friends that lived the foster care - adoption program. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts as you go through it!
Ellen said…
I have a friend from high school who is a foster parent and has adopted kids that she's fostered. If you're interested, I could put you in touch with her.
Hilary said…
how exciting! you guys will be great foster parents. a man from our stake (brother platt) just talked in sacrament mtg about the importance of fostering/adopting children in our community.
Mrs Abbott said…
Thanks, Ellen! We'll keep you in mind!
Keith and Nicci said…
A friend and her family (in our ward) just got their first foster baby this weekend - what a great service to these beautiful children in need of extra care, support, love, and temporal assistance. Your family will be great and such a blessing to these sweet children of God:).
Sarah said…
Wow, sounds like an exciting opportunity.
kristen said…
Sounds exciting! i have wondered about doing that before but i just get so attached to people - like a teenager who stayed with us for a week while he showed his pig at the fair and the girl who stayed with us for a weekend that christopher took to prom last year. i was so sad to see both of those kids go home. i just don't know if I could handle it emotionally - maybe when i have fewer of my own at home. I am impressed that you are going forward with this!
Jen said…
A couple in our ward has had foster twins for about a year; they're now three years old. Then sometimes they get a little baby for a little while. The whole ward is fascinated every time they show up with a new baby. Meanwhile the twins keep getting cuter and sweeter.