On My Mind

Blue and Gold Banquet at Scouts

My rash is fading into non-existence- the pale pink stripes left over are trying their best to keep fighting. I slept through the night like a baby *who actually doesn't sleep through the night, so why this expression exists I don't fully know. I survived a crazy rough morning with Elizabeth (something about it being picture day and boys teasing her for blushing and not liking pink anymore) and so, I am celebrating with a postponement of grocery duties by catching up on blogs.

I love me a good blog. Things on my mind lately are:

The Oscars. I didn't watch them and usually don't, but I love catching a few glimpses of the divine dresses with sparkles galore. And I would want to go see The Artist- but it's in black n white. I have a hard time with those. Really! We won 2- count them- 2 gift certificates at couples Bunco the other night- one to Texas Roadhouse *which we have never been to* and In-N-Out- my fav! Who knew Josh knew how to play Bunco?? *Who am I kidding- it doesn't really take talent to play Bunco, but it's fun!

Scouting. Since I was called last October as a Wolves Den Leader, I've been excited to work with these 8 year old boys. They have changed from a quiet, new group to a louder and cracking jokes kind of group, but I like it! And I can't wait until my twins turn 8 in May! Before it was so they could get baptized. I'm thrilled about that still, but I'm also excited that there is an organization out there to make friends, learn good skills and that I get to be a part of it! Welcome, boys! A new love!

Babies. Spring is in the air and babies are here! My baby lust has faded like my rash- leaving light pink streaks of desire but not a full blown, itchy mass of bright pink, and I just love to look at these adorable ones that have come to my sisters' homes and I am amazed at the gift of birth. It never fails to amaze me. Welcome, little ones, to our family.

Maintaining Balance. Josh has been working for 2 months now and I miss him. I miss having his full attention, the open hours in the day to fly off to lunch now and again. Those five months of unemployment really filled up my bank account, but it's amazing to see how fast it gets emptied of late! Now, more than ever, it's important to go on weekly dates. *Hint. Hint. You.Me. A Steak. This weekend.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

ps- It's voting day here in Arizona! I almost forgot! Phew!


Amy said…
Hey-no pictures of your rash?! Just kidding. Sorry Elizabeth had a rough morning--she is a sensitive sweetie. So 2 of Josh's sisters had babies recently? Craziness! Hope you get your date night this week. Love ya!