
So far this week, I've highlighted some sights that I like (Mr. Tom), tastes that I have enjoyed (the cake was awesome and still is awesome) and now here is a smell that I just fall head over heals for: Chocolate Fondue Lotion! I tried it the other day in the Teachers Lounge as I ducked in to use the restroom. Their restroom was amazing! If you can tell the quality of the education of your children by the teacher's restroom, than my kids are very well educated! There was furniture, there were pictures on the walls and there was a basket with several different lotions. I chose the chocolate one. And I chose correctly!

Too bad they don't sell this anymore. Divine!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

ps. I've noticed a trend in the west- dressy bathrooms. Ok. Maybe it's in Maryland as well- the styles are just completely different. One is understated and cool. The other is crafty and more stylized. Guess which one is which?


Jen said…
Well, I judge restaurants by the niceness of their restroom, why not education? :) chocolate fondu lotion sounds dangerous though--if I put that on, I'd crave chocolate even more than I do now.