Me, 34, and the kids!
I only have ten minutes- make that eight- until I help do Christmas Rotations at Asher's Kindergarten but I wanted to write about my birthday. Josh was so sweet and made us all waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Jonah came down and said "Is it General Conference today?" (that's our usual Conference tradition. I went and built Gingerbread houses (we hot glued them together) for Ethan's Christmas Party today. When I came home I found that someone ( my sweet Visiting Teachers) had hearted my door. Since Josh was home the whole time I thought it was him. So sweet!
We went out to lunch at Joe's Farm Grill that gives you a free meal if it's your birthday. They were featured at Diners, Drive-ins and Dives so there were quite a few Asian tourists there, taking pictures of everything. I took 1 picture and it wasn't very good. The burgers were amazing and for the first time ever I wasn't able to finish it. After that we went to the San Tan Outdoor Mall and went shopping. I love shopping. In case you didn't know! Josh bought me a present that I picked out- berry bubble bath from Philosophy and now my time is up.
I picked up the kids, did some Christmas baking and we had a Pasta Bar for dinner. I was so full that we couldn't even eat cake. Oh, my Uncle Jimmy and Zack came over the day before for dinner and brought cake. Josh also got me Mindy Gledhill's first cd and the day ended with a bath in my new suds, then listening to the cd while Josh read to me BossyPants. So funny. I crashed before I could even get ready for bed. What a day!
Josh has been prepping for work and I sure will miss him when he's gone every day!
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.