Thank you, Josh!

I took a few head shots of Josh for his profile pic on linkedin. They turned out pretty good! If your not friends with Josh on linkedin, look him up! :)

Well, I took the prescribed medicine on Monday. Lots of cramping but nothing. Tuesday morning, I called the Dr. and they said it could take a day or two. If it was going to take that long, I needed extra support. I called my Mom and asked her to come. She and my Dad arranged things, which was quite a sacrifice for them and arrive around 9:30 pm last night. What life savers! My Mom is cooking dinner as we speak.

Tuesday brought nothing but more cramps, so I called the Dr. this morning just to see how long the light of the tunnel would be. They told me to come in. I went and they said the drug only works 80% of the time. I am the lucky 20%. Hmm. They sent me home with another prescription. To try again. So far nothing. Just major period-like cramps. My labor was 52 hrs with Elizabeth and while this isn't a labor, it looks like my body has forgotten how to have a baby.

Josh has been such a great help during this time. I've stood in awe at his patience to my grumpiness, at his constant help with my 3 boys who can get rowdy at times and our 1 girl who can get super emotional. He has done research online to understand more of what is going on, has brought me my heated corn bag, has made me laugh, has gone grocery shopping and done the laundry. He has dropped kids off and picked them up. He has helped with homework and picking up around the house and done the dishes nightly (well, they all do that every night).
This man is amazing.

Recently he decided to grow a beard. You know, since it is Fall. He looks super handsome with it. It comes in red each time (this is the 3rd time- once out of law school and once last year.) I love it!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

ps- C'mon, uterus! You can do it!


Unknown said…
What - mom and dad are there? Crazy but glad they can help! I will call you tomorrow and hope you are done with this ordeal! Josh looks great in these pics - great job with the pics! Talk soon! xoxo
kristen said…
What a hard time! What a great mom you have! Even though our husbands are amazing and can support us in ways that no one else can, sometimes we just need to be the emotional little girl and have our mom's step in with their strength and be the mom for a while. i am glad that you have yours. love you guys!