Team California vrs. Team Arizona

I am always wondering where would be the best place to live. Is it Maryland with it's beautiful greenery? Utah, with it's fabulous mountains? California with it's beaches and family? Or is it Arizona? Upon returning from a lovely Thanksgiving break in California (thank you, Doug and Sheelah!) and with Breaking Dawn, from the Twilight Saga, still seared onto my memory, I will now discuss the argument of Team California versus Team California, I mean Arizona.

Team California:

-I grew up there.
-Lovely weather
-Sweet people.
-Family, and lots of it!
-In n Out
-Lovely shopping.

Team Arizona

-Great weather.
-Beautiful vistas and sunsets.
-In n Out.
-Stretches and stretches of desert (which I love).
-An uncle and nephew and a nice distance from family.
-Cheap living costs and housing.
-Good schooling in Gilbert.

The verdict is yet to be decided. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

p.s. Seeing Breaking Dawn after recently having a miscarriage was a little surreal.

p.p.s. En route to Cali this time around, I decided to take the time to go onto Twitter. You can follow me at #Arizona_Abbott
