We'll miss them!

The past three years we've been able to get to know a wonderful family in our ward- The Carrolls! They moved into our ward from Utah and have been here while doing a post-Doc at NIH. They have now found a more permanent job in Tennessee and are moving on to bigger and better things (literally!) Their kids are the same age as our kids (plus a toddler and a baby) and our kids have all gone to the same school.

It's been so wonderful to have such good friends close by. Melissa was there to help with the kids when I went through my whole diagnosis with Depression and then Bipolar. We traded piano lessons and sewing lessons (I need to post pics of her projects!). Their daughter has been such a good friend to Elizabeth and she was so sad to find out she is moving. Our ward is very transient with Med. students and Post Docs and it's hard to get used to sometimes.

I cannot express how helpful it has been to live in a ward with such sweet friends. Thank you, guys, for all that you have done for me and my family. I know you will touch many lives as you move on to a new job and a new home in Tennessee!

This is my blog. My name is Megan A.

-We will also miss ALL of our friends here in Maryland! Many, many families have been so loving and kind to us- bringing us meals when we needed them, watching our kids (often!) while we went on trips, and were simply ears to listen and hearts to understand us. Thank you! Thank you!
