Fathers and Sons

Jonah and Asher

In our Church the Fathers and Sons go on a camping trip each year to commemorate the restoration of the Priesthood. Or at least, I think that's why. I don't hold the Priesthood but I do get many, many blessings from it. I should do a blog post on it one day. This usually happens in May and this year it was on May 8th and 9th.

I was happy to send all my boys away and spend some girl time with Elizabeth. Usually we stay home and paint our nails and watch girlie movies. This year we went over to a friend's house and painted nails and did our hair. So fun!

I gave the camera to Josh this year and this is what he came back with. They had a blast- even though it had been raining the whole day before- and came back wet, dirty, smelly and happy. Give boys a little fresh air, some fire and marshmallows to roast and they are happy campers! Now I want to go camping too! Just once though. Just once!

Asher and Ethan in the smoke of a campfire

Oh, and the other day I made a chocolate cake completely from scratch. Frosting and everything. Delicious. I wouldn't do it again though. It's too much work and box cakes taste about the same! Unless someone asked me to!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
