Megan Tuesday

Asher and his triple cyclops costume

So, I've been sick. It seems like I get sick a lot. I started getting sick on Saturday, which was completely fine since it was General Conference Weekend- the weekend our Church watches and listens to the Apostles and Prophets speak and give us guidance and direction. We woke up Saturday morning, after having gone to see Mary and Jacob in their middle school play- Honk Jr! (Mary and Jacob both did very well and Mary does so well on the stage that they are doing Alice in Wonderland next year just for her to be Alice)- and saw that Elizabeth's both eyes were bright red and goopy. I took her to the Dr and yep, pink eye! Bleh. I still need to wash her pillow case. Josh took the boys to t-ball and they all came home with their uniforms- so cute!

We watched Conference and slept a little too. My nose has just been so runny, plus a cough and a sore throat. Right when I am starting to train for my 10 K too! Bleh! Sunday was a quite day of watching Conference and trying to get better. The kids did really well this year paying attention to the talks. Soon Ethan and Jonah will turn 7 and Asher 5. My youngest will be 5! How crazy is that? We also are working on signing him up for Kindergarten. Wow! Time goes by faster with each kid!

Monday I was feeling better and ran my sloted 25 minutes, went shopping to Sams, ALDI, Target and Home Depot and then folded laundry. The weather was beautiful- 83 degrees!!! We went on a walk when the kids got home and I crashed on the couch- too much too soon. We also went for another walk as a family- so nice with all the cherry trees blossoming around here.

This morning I woke up early- hot and sick- and am taking it easy today. We have been night potty training Ethan with his malem alarm for a week now and last night it only went off once! He's really making progress! Tomorrow the boys are going to the zoo for a field trip and I'm going to go along too.

Josh is still looking for a job and I am trying to save as much money as I can. A switch from a big law firm to the government or even a small firm will be a lot different in pay scale! And that's it for Megan Tuesday.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Michelle said…
Hey Megan! I read your blog regularly! You're in my google reader list. :) I just saw that Josh is looking for a job? Did he get laid off or is he just looking for something different? I hope you feel better soon. There is some yucky stuff going around!
Missa said…
I'm so proud of you training for a 10k. I'm a little jealous too. That's the race I wanted to run. I just couldn't find one around here that I could do. So Aaron signed us up for a half marathon. It just doesn't sound like as much fun as a 10k. You know, reading over this I just sound crazy.
Mrs Abbott said…
Josh is just looking for something different! Thanks for asking!