The Opposite Day Game

As you already know, my kids like playing games. This morning it was the "Opposite Day Game". I knew it from the moment Elizabeth said, very passionately, "It's NOT Opposite Day!"

Ethan replied with "You're right. It's NOT Opposite Day and today is definitely NOT Sunday."

I'm completely fine with Opposite Day, until the 4 year completely misses the concept.

"Yes, it is!!! It is Sunday!" exclaimed Asher, our 4 yr old.

Elizabeth kindly informed him that "No, it is NOT Sunday, because it is NOT Opposite Day." Somehow by saying that it is NOT Opposite Day he should understand that it is opposite day.

I tried to play along with them.

"Don't get dressed. Don't make your bed or brush your teeth."

They all cheered in unisom- I mean- unison- especially the 4 yr old who did not get it.

We made it through 3 hours and Church and once they hit the door it was again "Opposite Day" or should I call it "NOT Opposite Day."

"I will NOT play a game with you Asher." Elizabeth proclaimed.

"why not?" Asher burst into tears.

And the cycle continued.

Aaaahhh! I said to them "Opposite Day is only on Wednesdays. From NOW on!" They asked why. I didn't know, so I said they could play as long as everyone played.

"I DON'T like chicken" Asher proclaimed as he went upstairs.

I think he FINALLY got it. Or DIDN'T get it. If you are playing Opposite Day.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Unknown said…
That is so NOT cute!
Amber said…
This made me laugh, poor Asher!:)