Valentines Day 2011

What a perfect day I had planned this out to be. I would wake up early- 6:30 am to be exact and be all ready to cook some heart shaped pancakes for the kids. I woke up sick. Bleh. And Monday is my gym/shopping/kids laundry day. Why I pile it all into one day, I have no idea. So we were out of milk and eggs and cereal and pull ups (we tried the night training machine and it ran out of batteries after 2 nights. I still need to order new ones.) and I had to drop Asher off at Preschool and all I wanted to do was stay in bed.

I stayed in bed until almost 8 and then got up and made lunches. I dropped off the kids and came home and ate a little and went shopping to Sams and ALDI. Picked up Asher, played outside in the 63 degree weather- hooray!- and walked the 15/20 minute walk to and from school since it was so nice.

Turns out I did too much. I crashed on the couch at 4 pm, after the kids had dumped piles of Valentines and candy- mostly candy- on the dining room table. They happily munched sweethearts and lollipops (have you noticed that now the kids mostly just get candy and valentines instead of just valentines? I'm guilty of that, too!) Two hours later, the crepes and all their yummy fillings- chocolate pudding, fresh strawberries, whip cream, that was planned for dinner was forgotten. I called Josh and he brought home pizza from Little Ceasers- thankful for that though and some sweet red roses and chocolate. After a blessing and some soup for me we turned in early. Him reading a Library Book find- What if?- and me- The National Geographic on how to tame Foxes.

The day hadn't been what I expected. At all. But, in the end, it was what I needed. Heavenly Father really knows us. He knows what we need- whether it is a friend to talk to, a calling to serve in, good food to nourish our souls. I'm thankful for a Valentine who will help clean up the wake of Valentines Day, who holds the Priesthood and is able to bless me when I'm sick.

I'm thankful that I have an Elizabeth, who brings me her girly each and every time I am laid low, an Asher who gives me the best hugs when I least expect them, a Ethan who writes me a beautiful thank you Valentine, even if the spelling is not perfect and a Jonah who keeps me entertained with his tales of what happened at his party.

I am thankful.
