
previously mentioned saved picture of Elizabeth at her Choral Concert last month. She misses recess every other Wednesday to practice and does really well. She has said she likes singing, but not in front of others, which is understandable. That's her friend Madeline on the left. Madeline's Mom is a Jr. High Math teacher and her Dad is a scientist. Needless to say they get along swimmingly.

The boys had gotten out of the bathtub and were warming themselves by the space heater. Elizabeth had just gotten out of the shower and they were all working on getting dressed when we overheard this:

Asher: "Um, Elizabeth" looking at her southern region-"You are missing something..."

Elizabeth: ?

Asher: mumble, mumble, mumble

Elizabeth: giggle, giggle, giggle

Me from the other room: What? What??? What happened.

Elizabeth: "Asher said that my private part got sucked up."

Josh did a little explaining. I'm not surprised he hasn't noticed it before. Boys take awhile to notice things. Things like, for example, when a girl likes them, or when a girl wants them to buy them something. Jonah just noticed the other day and he's six.

I'm glad Josh got to do the explaining. I don't mind explaining if I'm the one there and Josh isn't around. You don't want to just push it aside and not talk about it. They will forget. You will forget. It just wouldn't be the same. You talk about it like it's completely normal like "Oh, you forgot the soap at the store (etc.) " and move on. Only to blog about it later. Mwah-ha-ha.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
