Happy February!

Ethan in the snow!

The kids have a 2 hour delay today because of ice coating the cars and buses but that's okay! There's a yummy lentil soup simmering on the stove, I get a little more time on the computer and to read the new February Ensign magazine- which is amazing btw! Yay!

We finally did the wishbone from the turkey at Christmas time and Asher won. He got to make a wish and he wished for a certain toy from the medicine store (aka CVS) so we will be going by there after we drop the kids off to school. Maybe I'll pick up a few Valentines Day cards just for fun! I LOVE Valentines Day! Love it!

This past weekend was a little of a surprise. I was supposed to throw a baby shower for one of my dear friends Saturday morning. All Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I was cleaning and baking and prepping crafts for the event. Friday afternoon her water broke- 3 weeks early- and after dropping her 4 kids off here- they rushed to the hospital where a little, cute baby boy was born that evening. The kids spent the night and then went to see the baby in the morning. So happy for their little- now big family.

In other news, Josh's parents have been caring for his Grandpa who turns 90 on the 8th. He has had a few complications and keeps everyone busy and on their toes taking care of him. We pray for him daily.

As well as for my Dad, whose CLL- chronic lymphocytic leukemia- has seemed to return. He is doing experimental treatments and we are very hopeful with them.

We are excited for Ben (Josh's brother) and Barbara's sealing in mid March in the Oakland Temple, although Josh will just be going and I will stay home with the kids. So jealous! I still get a California trip each year so we'll see!

New babies to come with Molly (my twin sister) due with a boy (#5) in mid March and MaryRuth with a girl (#5) at the end of March and that ends the family newsletter blog post.

Phew. This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
